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We were awakened this morning by the sad and distressing news of the fire that consumed Saint Jude’s Anglican Church and two other buildings in Greenwood, BC. 

We are thankful that there was no loss of life, and our hearts go out to the person who lost their home.  

“The loss of Saint Jude’s is a blow to the Anglican community and a sad day for the people of Greenwood,” said Bishop Lynne McNaughton of the Anglican Diocese of Kootenay. “Not only was it a testament to our shared history, but as one of the oldest buildings in Greenwood, it has been a place for worship and community since 1901.”  

Although it is a somber moment since the first news about the fire came out, many members of the broader Anglican community have reached out to find out how they could help those affected by the fire.

The Anglican Diocese of Kootenay is working with the authorities as we learn more about the causes of this incident.

Some Initial News Coverage on the Fire Can be Found Here: