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A Timely Book Study

Throughout the season of Epiphany, Bishop Lynne will lead a zoom study of this book with Andrew Stephens-Rennie (the Diocese of Kootenay’s Director of Missional Renewal). Each parish is invited and strongly encouraged to form a local discussion group and participate in this study together. 

A provocative read, this book is a call to the whole church to wait on God. To stop working and listen to God. To attend to what God’s up to.  

Waiting on God is necessary to follow God’s agenda rather than our own. Sometimes our agenda is driven by fear, anxiety, a need for success, our addiction to control or busyness. Root and Bertrand explore this waiting as a personal and communal call to discernment.  

The insights in this book are worth our attention at this moment in the Diocese of Kootenay. To that end, the Bishop is sending a copy of this book to each worshiping community so that the book can be read and shared amongst leadership.   

See you on zoom! 

Study Format

You are invited to form a group in your parish to do this study together, but if you're coming alone, that's fine too. There will be two groups (one evening, one daytime) to accommodate peoples’ schedules. Participants are invited to commit to one time slot for the duration of the study. 

You don't need to be a member of a congregation in the diocese of Kootenay to participate. Just bring your desire to engage in reflective conversation stirred up by the book.

Study Dates

Monday Evening Group

January 8, 15, 22, 29, and February 5 from 6.30pm to 8.00pm (Pacific Time)

Wednesday Morning Group

January 10, 17, 24, 31, and February 7 from 9.30am to 11.00am (Pacific Time). 


Email the Executive Assistant at to register