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You and your parish are invited to make a difference in the lives of young people by contributing to the Camp OAC Bursary Fund. 


As a diocesan community of communities, as parishes, and as individuals, we have an opportunity to support the ongoing efforts to rebuild camp. Camp Director Ian Dixon identified the opportunity to focus this campaign on the Bursary Fund. With the help of the Anglican Foundation of Canada, we are able to participate in this Peer to Peer Fundraising Campaign. 

How it Works

From now until June 30th, individuals and parishes are invited to raise funds that will support the Camp OAC bursary fund. This is done primarily through an online portal, but gifts can also be made through designated envelopes that can be ordered here

Individual Involvement

Individuals are invited to give towards the campaign and to share it with friends and contacts through social media or other channels. People can give to the campaign easily through the following link Whether or not you’re able to give, you are invited to share this link on Social Media to invite people to give towards this worthy cause. If you have a story of how Camp has affected you, or what it means to you, this goes a long way!

Parish Involvement

Parishes are invited to promote this event in their congregations. Gifts can be given through the online portal or through designated envelopes that can be ordered here. Whether your congregation has young people or not, you can also host a Say Yes! To Kids Sunday, with a focused opportunity to pray for young people using designated worship resources, with the option of collecting money for camp. 

CAMP OAC: Active, unplugged, and unforgettable fun!

In August 2023, Camp OAC was ravaged by the McDougall Creek Wildfire. The physical property was destroyed but the camp's spirit is alive as ever. Since then, champions for the camp have been working to ensure this incredible legacy of camping ministry thrives for generations to come. 

Young people come to camp to push their boundaries and try new things. Campers are introduced to a loving God, a community that honours and explores their deepest questions, and are affirmed in their beloved identity, as God created them to be. 

In 2023, camp distributed approximately $15,000 in bursaries and the need grows every year. Your gift to this year's Say Yes! to Camp OAC campaign will primarily build up the bursary fund. Any additional funds raised, will support the costs of rebuilding the camp beyond the costs that are covered by the insurance settlement. 

Please give generously to this year's Say Yes! to Camp OAC campaign!