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Parishes and ministries in the Diocese of Kootenay continue to navigate the technological changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Each parish has different needs they are responding to, which is why our Diocesan community of communities has designated a fund to assist parishes in obtaining the necessary technological tools to accomplish these goals. 

For some, this includes the continued use of technology for hybrid worship (i.e. in person worship and streaming or zoom). For others, this includes using technology to bring in preachers from a distance (via livestream), or via a pre-recorded sermon. It might include a partnership between two or more worshiping communities to allow parishioners to join together in worship or to meet with one another for Spiritual Formation online. It may mean new opportunities for outreach, community building, and connection.

To apply for these funds, your parish leadership should download, fill out, and return the linked form.

Click Here to Download the Form.