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The Diocesan Council meeting began by approving the agenda and accepting the minutes from the previous session, with amendments. The Archbishop, Executive Archdeacon, and Director of Missional Renewal gave reports offering updates on various initiatives and activities within the Diocese.

Financial matters were discussed, including the Kootenay Fair Share model, approval of financial reports and the 2024 budget, and plans for quarterly forecasts to track budget progress. Updates on ongoing business included talks on the OAC Report, Synod 2024 Planning, and Investment Committee activities, emphasizing ethical investments and long-term financial strategies.

New business items included endorsing a revised Temporary Occupancy Permit form, authorizing property sales, discussing received correspondence, and showing the Council's involvement in emerging issues and decisions.

Additional topics, like meeting frequency and scheduling, were also addressed, showcasing the Council's dedication to effective governance and operational efficiency. The meeting ended with plans for future gatherings and agreed-upon actions, ensuring the Diocese's affairs continue to progress smoothly.