Dear Friends,

This letter is to introduce some liturgical resources that Archbishop Lynne has authorised for use in both Public Worship and times of Personal Prayer. They come from the Structures Working Group with the hope that they will be used to undergird our work as a Diocesan community of communities.

Please take the time to read these through, considering how they might best be used in your locale, and pass them on to those responsible for leading the Prayers of the People at worship, and to your local Prayer Groups/Chains.

Over the coming weeks and months, as you become aware of other prayer resources or wordings of prayer that could aid both our Common and Personal times of prayer, please send them to the Executive Officer ( so that they can be gathered together, perhaps edited for our use, and distributed throughout the Diocese. We would hope to compile them and add them to these present resources early in 2024.

Prior to Synod, the Spiritual Development Committee sent out an announcement about a Diocesan Prayer Companions Initiative. The Initiative invites members of the Diocese to pray regularly, and at times of specific need, for the Diocese and for our Diocesan Leadership, as requested by the leadership. We encourage you to join in this Initiative, and become a Diocesan Prayer Companion. To do so, please register by sending a note to

Thank you for your faithfulness, and remember to both circulate and use these resources (attached as a file below)!

In Christ’s Peace,
The Members of the SWG